The following libraries and programs are needed or have been used for the project:
Needed libraries
- The graphical user interface (GUI) was implemented through the library Qt by norwegian company Trolltech.
- The dynamics simulation was done with help of DynaMechs.
- PVM made possible parallelizing the evolution.
- To visualize the simulation the industry standard OpenGL was used.
- CyberVRML 97 was used to read in VRML-data.
- For matrix multiplication and other mathematical operations the library NewMat09 was used.
- At the beginng of the project it was tried to implement the dynamics simulation with help of DynaMo. It did not work out but as some classes of this library are still used by the project it is still a necessity.
Abandoned libraries
- DynaMo needed a library for collision detection. For this SOLID was used.
- The library QHull can be used to make SOLID run more efficient.
Other programs
- The program Blender was used by the project to build 3D models.
- The program Doxygen was used to document the resultig C++ code.
- The class diagrams of the project were created with Dia.
Other links
- The project has another page which is hosted on a sourceforge server.
